Find Your Community

Community is at the core of who we are, and who the church is called to be.

Groups are how we connect with each other, support one another and build each other up in our faith outside of a Sunday service. We were created by God to be in relationship with one another, so Groups are vital in our walks as followers of Christ.


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Group Types
We have two types of Groups:

Grow Groups

We are called to not just make disciples, but to be disciples. Our pursuit of discipleship can take various forms, so Grow Groups have the goal of growing in our faith and our walk with Christ. These can take the form of a Bible Study or going through a book, but these groups are aimed to develop depth in our faith together.
Grow Groups

Interest Groups

Community does has value in and of itself. Interest Groups are designed to gather with other people who who similar interests and simply get together with one another in healthy biblical community. 
Interest Groups

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